outs & ins

I’m on the early side of a plane ride back from Los Angeles, and I’m sad the jaunt is over. I loved everything about it: the knuckly gray trees shooting up from the sandy soil; the massive ultimate frisbee tournament on Santa Monica beach, all tie-dye and cheering and stereotypes; zipping along the Pacific Coastal Highway on the back of a vintage motorcycle, grinning against the foam of my pink and black helmet; bringing a book to the water but leaving it folded in my bag as I watched the rhythmic water. I love Brooklyn, and I couldn’t imagine settling down on the west coast, but every time I visit I leave carrying three new things I want to do in California, my to-dos sprouting like dandelions. As I promised my wonderful hosts Sarah and Erin, I’ll be back, and soon.

The trip wasn’t just a vacation, but rather a last hurrah before I rejoin the ranks of nine-to-fivers. On Thursday, I’ll take my post as Whole Living‘s new senior editor, health and nutrition. (That’s right, my title includes a comma.) I’m as surprised as, well, many of my friends (“…but you love freelancing!”) to find myself leaving the writing life behind — for now — but I’m also so, so very excited to dive into this new position. I love the magazine, love its focus on holistic health and mind-body medicine, love its beautiful layouts and emphasis on green living and every single editor I’ve met there. If I weren’t dog-tired and strapped into an airplane seat, I’d be bouncing around in excitement right now.

That means the next, oh, two days will be spent tying up freelance projects. I’ll update my CV section as more magazine clips roll in in February, March and April; I’ve worked with some incredible editors and am psyched to see these stories in print. On that note, time to turn this tray into a desk and complete some articles.